Customize the reservation results items, car details, franchise details and add extra text in the Booking Page.
On the booking page, you will find the booking result items.
To customize them, go to 'Booking Configurations' in the sidebar and select 'Result Configurations.'

Open the 'Result Items' dropdown menu. There you will find 3 submenus:
Result Items:
In the Result Items section, you'll find 4 switches. Toggle them on or off to enable or disable the corresponding filters.
Final Price: includes the reservation price and any mandatory add-ons or insurance for that vehicle.
Daily Price: refers to the daily rate of the reservation.
Price without VAT: is the reservation price excluding taxes.
Open Rate: displays an approximate amount instead of the exact price.
Finally, press 'Save Changes' to finish.
Car details:
You can add a background color for the car preview image in the' Car details' section. Simply add the hex code in the respective field.
Next, you will find the toggle switch labeled 'Show model details.' If you turn it off, no details will be displayed on the booking page.
If you keep 'Show Model Details' enabled, you can choose which elements to display or hide by simply toggling the switch on or off.
Finally, press 'Save Changes' to finish.
You can choose if you want to display the franchise details. To enable it, turn on the 'Show Franchise' switch.
You can personalize the franchise text by writing the name in the 'Franchise Text' field.
💡For multi-language pages, customize the text for each language by selecting the appropriate language flag from the dropdown menu and entering the new text for that specific language.
To include franchise details from a website, enter the URL in the 'Franchise Link' field.
💡For multi-language pages, customize the link for each language by selecting the appropriate language flag from the dropdown menu and entering the new URL for that specific language.
You can also enable a tooltip icon by toggling the switch on. If you add text in the 'Tooltip Text' field, it will appear when you hover over the icon with the cursor.
You also can display the franchise currency by toggling the switch on.
Finally, press 'Save Changes' to finish.
Extra content and Custom HTML
To add extra content or custom HTML, scroll down to the 'Result Item' section below.
You can add a custom message in this field.
Or directly can change it with HTML from here.
Finally, press 'Save Changes.'