Booking update strategy
Booking update strategy, booking extension
Within the General configuration -> Booking configuration you will find "Booking update strategy"
Which determines how the system is going to behave when you extend a booking.
-Updating of bookings with daily price.
-Updating of bookings with price by extension of days.
-Updating of reservations with price for the total of days.
Lets set an example with the following conditions:
-A booking for 3 days

-And the following price rate:

-Updating of bookings with daily price.
Always charges as if it was a Single Day
If we add 4 days, the value for those is going to be the one from the first range on the price rate.

-Updating of bookings with price by extension of days.
The range taken depends on the number of new days.
In this case, if the new number of days is 7, the price will be from the 7 to 9 days range.

-Updating of reservations with price for the total of days.
Accounts for the total of days to decide which day range to take.
If we add 7 days, the total of days will be 10 and the price for the new days will be from the range of 10 in the price rate.