How to massively upload vehicles.

How to massively upload your fleet of car with an excel template.

Before uploading every individual car in the system, you need to have uploaded:


You already have some by default on the system


You also have some by default on the system, you can edit them or create more if you need.


If you need one outside of the ones that come with the system, you just need to write the name after clicking in "New".


Don't forget to save.


If you need more, as always, you just Click on New.



If you are going to work by category, you only need to complete the fields marked as "required" .
The fields that don't specify the currency are in your main currency.
-Guarantee: Security deposit, the amount you block on the customer's credit card in case you have to charge something.
-Guarantee for damages, rollovers and thefts: the amount of money that needs to be pay to the insurance in each case.
*These amounts are before any extra insurance or additional that may reduce them *

Don't forget to save.



Click on "New"


The only mandatory fields are the ones marked as "required" but you should complete all of them to be able to use the full extent of the system.

-Order: this will come in play when listing the Models.
-Price of fuel: in te case you choose "Price of fuel by model" on the general configuration, you should complete it here.

-Price: Yo can have additionals based on this price on the system

-Guarantee: Security deposit, the amount you block on the customer's credit card in case you have to charge something.
-Guarantee for damages, rollovers and thefts: the amount of money that needs to be pay to the insurance in each case.
*These amounts are before any extra insurance or additional that may reduce them *

*you have to complete this part for every language in your web*

Once you have everything ready, you can Download the excel template from the "All cars screen":

How to complete the excel template

The columns that are mandatory are marked with a "*"

You have to write or paste the information in most of the columns but

Certain columns must be completed with a conditioned value;

-Current Place
-Branch office owner
-Fuel type
-Car condition

For options to appear on this Sheet, they must first be loaded into the system

If you use "formulas" to complete the excel, make sure to paste the values and don't leave formulas.

Once you completed the excel template, Upload it.
The excel only creates vehicles, uploading it again won't update the information of an already existing car.