Complete the Details of an Incident

Add the details of the incident, complete the third-party information, and fill in the repair budget and vehicle repair details.

Whether you create an incident from scratch, associate it with a booking (ongoing or completed), or during a car change, you'll need to complete the incident details.

First, create the incident. Regardless of the method you choose, you will arrive at the incident editing page.

In the Incident Overview section, you will find three tabs:
• Details
• Third-Party Information
• Files

Select the Details tab to enter the Incident Date, Type of Incident, Car, and Add Notes. If repair costs can be recovered through insurance associated with the vehicle, check Recovery Available.

To add third-party details, select the corresponding tab. Here, you can input:
• Document Type and Number
• First Name and Last Name
• Driver’s License
• Phone Number
• Insurance Company
• Complaint Number
• Complaint Date
• Insurance Policy

In the Files tab, you can upload photos or documents to associate them with the incident.

In the Vehicle Repair section, you can associate:
• The Repair Budget
• Insurance company details

To add the Repair Budget select the corresponding tab. Click Preloaded Items and choose an item from the dropdown menu. The preloaded cost and price for that item will appear.

If the budget changes, you can edit the field directly. The changes will apply only to this incident.
If an item is not preloaded, you can add it here. In the Preloaded Items field, type the item's name
and click +. Then, add the cost and price.
Add all necessary items to your budget.

The maximum amount chargeable to the customer corresponds to the deductible for the type of incident. If costs are partially covered by the deductible, only that portion can be charged to the customer.

To add insurance information, go to the corresponding tab and fill in:
• Complaint Number and Date
• Inspection Location
• Covered Amount
• Status (Initiated, In Progress, or Completed)
• Last Contact

Finally, press the Save button.

When this form is saved, the Incident Tracking screen will open, where you can: View and edit
details, assign a responsible user, create invoices, add payments, and change the status