Corporate Section

Long-term bookings and multiple of units

The Corporate Section was design to manage agreements involving long periods of time and multiple units.

Corporate Contract

To start managing your first Contract, you need to create a new Corporate Contract (CC) from this same menu.

The Corporate Contract item represents the period of agreement with a Customer/Company. There will be only one Corporate Contract with the same customer except for cases where they are separate agreements (different time periods or with different conditions/billing information).

  1. Customer: Is who the corporate agreement is made with, the same must be generated in the Customer database.

  2. Date of pick up/drop off: Is the total period of the agreement

  3. Reference Number: Optional field in case there is a specific code for the agreement.

  4. Notes: Optional field to record relevant information about the contract.

Purchase Order / Quotation

In a Corporate ContractPurchase Orders (PO) are used to represent different periods of the contract, having their own price and quantity of units. Each update that you want to make to the price is represented in a new Purchase Order.

In a Corporate Contract we will have the possibility of generate a new Purchase Order.

  1. Duration: Determined length of the Order. It is represented with a value and one of the following time measures:

    a. Day(s)

    b. Week(s)

    c. Month(s)

    d. Year(s)

  2. Price Agreement: Optional field in case an existing price agreement is used.

  3. Quotification efective date: Every Purchase Order is generated as a quote pending confirmation, this quote will only be valid until the date specified in this field.

  4. Currency: Currency used in the Purchase Order values.

  5. Booking Origin: Origin to be used when creating the bookings associated to the Purchase Order.

  6. Files: Optional field used to attach relevant documents to the quotation.

  7. Purchase Order: Number/Code used to reference the Purchase Order (this value can be filled in later in case it is not available when generating the PO).

  8. Notify Customer: Defines whether to send the corresponding notification to the Customer/Company's registered email.

  9. Notes: Optional field to record information relevant to the PO.

  10. Quote Car/Additional/Price Items Quoter