New Rates
** It's Important to have in mind that if you have previously loaded TAXES rates must be calculated without taxes to prevent duplicates.
For more information on Taxes, click here. **
Go to Rate > Rates
Click on "New"
Establish if its a "Child" rate (This corresponds to a "secondary" rate from a "primary" one. This means it takes the "Parent" rate and from that establishes new conditions).
Define the name.
Define the currency.
Distance cut mode:
Go to Rate > Rates

Click on "New"

Establish if its a "Child" rate (This corresponds to a "secondary" rate from a "primary" one. This means it takes the "Parent" rate and from that establishes new conditions).
Define the name.
Define the currency.
Distance cut mode:
Individual Cuts: Allows to define hourly/daily cuts independant from a Km range.
Individual Cuts: Allows to define hourly/daily cuts independant from a Km range.
Cuts for Days: Allows to define cuts associating a daily range to a Km range.
Cuts for Days: Allows to define cuts associating a daily range to a Km range.

With the "Individual Cuts" mode we will be able to specify the cost for renting in different hourly (Hour ranges), daily (Day ranges) and Km (Km ranges) groups. To create a new cut on any of these groups click on the "+" symbol and establish a value of the cut. If it is necessary to remove a range, click on the trash can symbol, this will delete the highest range.
If the last option "Unlimited Km" is ticked, a last range that comprises the highest Km range up to "Unlimited" will be created.
Generated cuts will be visualized in the header of the table on the right of the page.

** Note that Km ranges create a copy of hourly/daily cuts to specify individual rates **
Defining Ranges (Cuts for days)
Works on the same principle as "Individual cuts" with the diference that every daily range will also have a km range assigned to itself.

Cuts will be visualized in this way in the table header.

For every new rate the following fields have to be completed:

Valid From / Valid Until: Dates of validity for the rates.
Min Days / Max Days: Minimum and maximum number of days for the reservation.

(selection filters)
Valid pickup days / Valid drop off days: Days where pickup/drop off are allowed.
** If you wish to make all days valid LEAVE EVERY FIELD EMPTY, this symbolizes every day as valid. **
Valid for Models/Categories: Models/Categories to which the rate applies. The system defaults to apply to all if none is selected.
Branch Offices: Branches to which the rate applies. The system defaults to all if none is selected.
Available for manual selection: Allows this rate to be selected manually when generating a new reservation.
Only available for manual selection: Makes this rate exclusive to manual selection. The system will not generate the automatic selection for this rate based on dates or branches.

Once configured values have to be completed acording to the amount of days selected for every cut and corresponding to the categories/models selected.
It is necessary to complete EVERY field on the form.
To facilitate this process it is posible to download an excel sheet by clicking on the icon over the form.

This will allow to modify the sheet in a more efficent manner, once the data is completed, save changes and upload the file to the web by clicking on the corresponding icon.

"Child" Rate

For every Child Rate it is necesary to assign a Parent Tariff, from this field you will se a list of all the available tariffs to use as parent.
All of the Parent Tariff cuts, models/categories and their values will be loaded automatically.
The Increment over parent field will establish a percentage that will alter the values of the parent tariff.
Note: If the Parent tariff some of the models/categories have a value set as $0, the Child will also have $0. First complete the values on the Parent Tariff.

Remember when adding new models/categories to update values on the Rates.