Why does the Promotion Button don't work for online or at desk payments | Rently Help Center

Why does the Promotion Button don't work for online or at desk payments

Once you created a new promotion in the system, make sure:

1. It is available for external users

2. There is only one type of validation by date

3.Comunicate Rently Support Team which is the promotion you want to link the button for online payments and for at desk payments.

Remember the button will stay linked to that promotion, so if for example you need to modify the discount, you will have to do it in the same promotion. You shouldn't create a new promotion, given that it will loose the link between the promotion and the button.

Besides, it is important to have into account that if the promotion's validity is for the date of creation and execution (Delivery and Return) of the booking, it will not be visible at the web. The web allows only one of those 2 options.