A guide to setting up reservations from the general configuration.
To access the general configuration you must drop down the menu from the 9 dots in the upper left corner and select the general settings icon.

Select the “Booking Configuration” tab and then scroll down to the “Price based on” option:

You can choose between these two options:
- Model: Each model within the same category will have the same price.
- Category: Each vehicle within the same category will have the same price.
Also in this screen we can configure the availability. We deploy the menu from the “Availability based on” button:

- Model: With this option, when creating a manual reservation, you must choose the car that will cover the reservation from the beginning. If the reservation is created from the web, the system will automatically assign a vehicle. This also means that, since the dashboard depends on the license plates of the car, you will have a visual representation of the reservation in the calendar on the main screen.
- Category: With this option, you will not need to specify which vehicle will cover the reservation and will only need to do so close to the pick-up date. This means that you will not have a visual representation of the reservation on the dashboard (main screen calendar). Rentals with this option choose to disable the dashboard. Category based availability also allows for “overbooking”.
The overbooking setting allows you to:
- Offer more vehicles than you actually have.
- Stop sales.
- Enable “On Request”, allowing the customer to request a vehicle even if there is no availability in that category. This creates a quote that you can respond with an upgrade.
You can always exchange the car before pickup.
Out of stock strategy You can choose between two options:
- Blocked Stock Strategy: if there is no more availability in a category, it will stop showing as an option on the website.
-Stock-on-Request Strategy: Once a category is fully booked, instead of a button to reserve, the website will display a button to “request”. This button will create a quote.

Time between reservations: This is the time you need after a reservation ends and before it can be reoccupied. The cars will have to wait this time before being available for the next reservation.
Example: If you set 1h here and a reservation ends today at 10 am, the vehicle will be available for another reservation from 11 am.

Time between reservations for external systems: Same as time between bookings, but only for bookings coming from the internet. You may prefer to have more flexibility when bookings are created manually and not so much when they are created by a customer from the web.
Minimum Days: The minimum number of days a reservation can have. If you leave it at 0 “zero”, you will allow hourly reservations.
Maximum Days: The maximum number of days a reservation can have. If you do not have a maximum, you can set a high number.
Minimum Daily: The minimum number of days you charge. Example: A rental allows you to take the car for 8 hours, but you must pay for the full day.

Maximum days to uncancel: A cancelled reservation can be “Reactivated”. Here you define the limit in days after the pick-up date to be able to reactivate it.

Return Tolerance (minutes): This is the “grace time” you give your customers before applying a penalty or additional charge if they return the car later than expected. Example: if you set 60 min (1h) and a reservation that was to be returned at 10 am is checked in for delivery at 11 am (or earlier), no charges will be applied. But, if it is checked in at 11:01 am (or later), the system will add an extra cost. You can bonus the additional costs.
Half Day Tolerance (hours): If the customer returns the car late after the hours you configure here, a full day will be charged. Example: If you set 5 hours and a reservation that was to be returned at 1 pm is registered as a 6 pm delivery, no additional charges will be applied.
Overtime charging strategy: Here you can choose whether the price range applies to every hour or a single price if the overtime is within the range. Example: If you choose “Hourly charging strategy” and you have a price range of 2 to 6 hours with a price of $10, the system will charge 3 times $10 for 3 hours of overtime. With “Charge by range strategy”, only $10 will be charged within the range of 2 to 6 hours.

Reservation update strategy: Here you define how the system behaves when extending a reservation.

Number of days for quotes: Quotes will only be shown on the calendar for the days you set here. This does not delete or cancel the quote, you will still see it in the “All bookings” list.
Number of days for booking confirmation: “Booked” (unconfirmed) bookings will show only for the days you set here.
No-Show GAP (hrs): If you pass the set amount of hours after the pick-up time, the reservation will appear in the “No-Show” list.

Distance unit: Choose the distance unit you use.
Maximum time for early delivery: By checking the option, it allows us to configure how many hours in advance the pickup can be registered.
Maximum cancellation time after delivery: By default, you cannot cancel a reservation after registering the pickup. Configure here how many hours later you can do it.

Percentage of deposit/collateral (%): To create a category and/or model, the security deposit and overage can be automatically filled in with a percentage of the price.

Commission payment concept: You can keep track of third party commissions, recorded as an expense.

Commission liquidation period: May be calculated monthly or every two weeks.

Coupon expiration: When you register a security deposit, you must set its expiration.

Pre-authorization unsubscribe emails: When you register the return of a deposit, an automatic notification is sent to the credit card company to speed up the process of releasing the amount, indicating in their due fields the information of that card.

Use rate in system currency for foreign currencies: Affects if you have more than one currency in your system. When creating a reservation, you can use the exchange rate in the primary currency for reservations in other currencies.
Time between Bookings applies to Transfers: The system will wait for the time between reservations when changing the location of a car.
Apply Gap to First and Last Hour: This is related to the schedule of each branch.This is related to the office hours of every branch office. If you mark this, the cars will have to wait the “Time between Reservations” after the office opens and also that time is going to be taken out before the office closes. Ler’s see it with an example: If I have 1h of “Time between Reservations” and my office opens at 8am and closes at 7pm, the cars will be available to be booked from 9am to 6pm.

Change of day with fixed schedule: For businesses that do not allow the customer to choose the time of delivery.
Apply full deposit/guarantee for pickup: Makes it mandatory to register security deposit in order to register pickup.
Allow third party cars: You will only see this option if you have the “investors” module contracted.

Use memberships: Allows you to register the customer's membership when creating a reservation.
View prices in system currency: Affects if you have more than one currency in your system.
Show items at zero in the price detail: By default, Rently does not show items with zero value in the price detail.

Send mail when saving a quote: Sends an automatic notification to the customer when a quote is saved.
Must have at least one insurance: Forces you to sell additional insurance to the customer.
Keep last minute charge when extending: If you check this option, the additional last minute charge will also apply to new days when extending a reservation.

Allow to create customer in new reservation: Allows you to create a new customer from the booking screen.
Filter availability without price in external systems: To not show unpriced vehicles on the web.
Filter availability of places not available in external systems: To not show cars in places marked as unavailable on the internet.

Allow importing information into new reservation: For specific rentals using particular software.
Legal Reservation Backup: For specific car rentals using a specific ERP.
Unrestricted Signature: Allows to remove email contract signature restrictions.

Debt reserve delivery strategy: Defines whether it is possible to record a collection with debt.

Pricing strategy for one-way delivery value: Defines whether the price is fixed or distance-based.

Allow Unlimited: Allows you to create rates and offer reservations for unlimited km.

Cut-off value per km: Define the different daily distance ranges you offer.
Daily distance limit value: Generates an alert if the customer exceeds this value.
Additional km calculation value: Defines the price for each extra km.
Minimum number of active fares to display in the grid: Defines the number of tariffs you want to see on the grid.

Allow online price editing: Leaving it checked allows us to edit the daily price when creating or editing a reservation.

Additional after-hours minutes strategy: Defines the option for additional after-hours minutes for each branch.

Additional after-hours minutes strategy: Defines the option for additional after-hours minutes for each branch.