1. Select Car > All Cars
2. By default the system will bring some columns, and filter by the branch office you are in.

In order to identify the branch office, you will see the name on the search. As well, to identify the filters applied, you can see that the 3 dots on the column that has a filter will be shown on a different colour, a darker one.
3. In case you need to visualise all the cars from all branch offices, you can click on "Clear" or click on the search and erase the Branch Office.

To clean filters, you should click on the 3 dots of the column and click on Filters > Clean
4. From those 3 dots (same for each column) you have different options
Sort Ascending - Can arrange cars in an ascending way. That can be done as well, by clicking on the column.
Sort Descending - Can arrange cars in a descending way. That can be done as well, by clicking on the column.
Columns - Can select those columns you want to visualise and those you need to hide.
Filter - Can filter according to your needs.
Important facts to take into account. Firstly, you will have a list of options:
- Its Equal to
- Its not equal to
- Starts with
- Contains
- Does not Contain
- Ends with
- Is null
- Is not null
- Is empty
- Is not empty
- Has value
- Has no value
Secondly, you should select the condition
- "AND" meaning to the sum of both concepts.
- "OR" meaning both concepts solely.
For example, in case you wish to filter by a specific month, you shout select " Is greater than or equal to" + "AND" + "Is less than or equal to" and then click on Filter.
In the contrato, if you need to see every month except one, you wshould do the same thing but change the word "AND" by "OR",
5. Another option to group according to columns is by dragging a column to the superior space of the columns. You are able to drag as much columns as you need.
Example, if you need to see Models:
At the same time, you can download in Excel format by clicking on "Export to Excel"
If you need to go back to the original columns, you will have to click on the X beside to Model (according to the image)
It is important to have into account, that those columns that are eliminated or added, only will modify the grid of the user who did it. By reentering you will be seeing the same columns that you previously added or eliminated.
In case you do not have permission to proceed with this transaction, inform your administrator so he can enable you the "Can view fleet status" permissions and select "Global" or "Branch Office" for it to work. By selecting "No" you will not be able to apply filters.
Sort Ascending - Can arrange cars in an ascending way. That can be done as well, by clicking on the column.
Sort Descending - Can arrange cars in a descending way. That can be done as well, by clicking on the column.
Columns - Can select those columns you want to visualise and those you need to hide.

Filter - Can filter according to your needs.

Important facts to take into account. Firstly, you will have a list of options:
- Its Equal to
- Its not equal to
- Starts with
- Contains
- Does not Contain
- Ends with
- Is null
- Is not null
- Is empty
- Is not empty
- Has value
- Has no value
Secondly, you should select the condition
- "AND" meaning to the sum of both concepts.
- "OR" meaning both concepts solely.
For example, in case you wish to filter by a specific month, you shout select " Is greater than or equal to" + "AND" + "Is less than or equal to" and then click on Filter.

In the contrato, if you need to see every month except one, you wshould do the same thing but change the word "AND" by "OR",
5. Another option to group according to columns is by dragging a column to the superior space of the columns. You are able to drag as much columns as you need.
Example, if you need to see Models:

At the same time, you can download in Excel format by clicking on "Export to Excel"
If you need to go back to the original columns, you will have to click on the X beside to Model (according to the image)
It is important to have into account, that those columns that are eliminated or added, only will modify the grid of the user who did it. By reentering you will be seeing the same columns that you previously added or eliminated.
In case you do not have permission to proceed with this transaction, inform your administrator so he can enable you the "Can view fleet status" permissions and select "Global" or "Branch Office" for it to work. By selecting "No" you will not be able to apply filters.