How to assign Memberships to clients
Activate, assign and eliminate Memberships
In the first place, it is important to activate the Memberships and for that, you should:
1. Select General Configuration, go to the Booking Configuration and scroll down to the part of " Use Membership" and Activate it.

2. Remember to always save changes.
Once the Memberships are Active, you can assign them to the client in various ways:
In order to assign a Membership to a client it is necessary to have the client previously created. For more information about creating new clients:
Enter the client previously created and scroll down to the Membership part. Click on the "+" sign to assign a membership.
Fill in the fields accordingly and click on Create to assign the membership to the client.
The options for the Type of Membership are:
* Hotel
* Company
* Frequent Flyer
* Other
In order to assign a Membership to a client it is necessary to have the client previously created. For more information about creating new clients:
Enter the client previously created and scroll down to the Membership part. Click on the "+" sign to assign a membership.

Fill in the fields accordingly and click on Create to assign the membership to the client.

The options for the Type of Membership are:
* Hotel
* Company
* Frequent Flyer
* Other
Another way can be, while making a New Booking:
1. Complete with the client's name for the system to identify if the client has a membership assigned, and gives you the option to select it.

2. But if the client has no memberships assigned, then you should click on the "+" sign and it will bring you the same chart to complete with the membership details.

Remember to click on "Create" in order to assign correctly the membership to the client.
Important information to have in mind:
* If the membership happens to be past due (meaning the date of expiration es previous than the actual one) the membership will automatically go from active, to inactive. To revert this situation, you can change the date in case it has.
* The client may have more than one membership.
* If you desire to eliminate a membership, you should click on the trash symbol and eliminate.

In case you do not have permission to proceed with this transaction, inform your administrator so he can enable you the "Can administrate customers" permissions