Delivery and Return Schedules of a booking
Enter the booking
1. Select "Make Delivery"

2. The system will bring by default the actual date and time, but you will have the option to make a modification to avoid extra charges. For example, if the "physical" delivery of the car was made in the correct time and date, but in the system it was loaded late, the system will take the actual time and create extra charges.
For that, you will be able to modify the date and time to the correct one.

You can indicate:
* who is the checker
* miles
* gas
* notes in case of needing them
3. Select "Make Delivery"
The same happens with the date and time of the return. The system will take by default the actual time, and you will be able to modify it to the correct time.
4. Select "Make Return"

5. Modify the date and time to the correct one and not the one the system brings.

6. On the right side you can see the details of the total to charge to the client.
7. Remember to click on "Make Return" to finalise the process.