Step by Step of the process to change the mails and passwords in the templates mails.
Clarification: if you have an active template but did not manually modify its mail, by default it will be sent from the email of the general configuration.
Have in mind that at the time being, almost every mail are inactive, and if you want to run some tests you should set them as active.
1. Select the "Notifications by Mail" (envelope) at the left vertical menu

2. Select the "Templates" option from the list.

3. Click on the pencil of the template you need to modify.

4. Complete the mail you will be using to send on that specific template.
Remember to always save changes.

The "Respond to" would be for the cases in which you want the mail to reach a client from a mail but want the client to respond from another mail.
In case you do not have permission to proceed with this transaction, inform your administrator so he can enable you the "Can edit mail notifications " permission.