Alerts to remind to do the Service
Once you created the Type of Service (, you should:
1. Select Maintenance Services > Types of Services

2. Select Service Calendar

3. Select "New"
4. Complete the following:

Indicate the Type of Service (previously created)
Complete the description of the service
Indicate the periodicity on DAYS or KM (meaning the Alert will remind you when the car has the KM or DAYS you indicated a Service should be made)
Select in case the Service needs to be done on returns
On the right side of the system, you should indicate the KM and DATE of the last service to each car was made. For the system to take this information into account for the next Alert.
For more information about Alerts, click here
5. If you need to configure a Service by Model, you should click on the "+" symbol.
Complete the following:
Indicate the model
Indicate the periodicity in KM
Indicate the periodicity in DAYS
Select in case of requiring the service at the returns en caso de requerir el
Click on Accept
Remember to always save changes
In case you do not have permission to proceed with this transaction, inform your administrator so he can enable you the "Can create Calendar Services" permissions