How to enable permissions for Dynamic Reports
Enable specific roles to see specific dynamic reports.
In the first place, in order to decide which role is able to see a dynamic report or not, it is necessary to have the permission of "Can Administrate Dynamic Reports"
And for that, you will need to go to Roles and click on the pencil of the role to edit.

Select Report and enable the permission

Remember to always save changes
Once you have enabled the permission, you will be able to select who can and who cannot see the dynamic reports, to your preference.
You can go to Dynamic Reports and click on the pencil to edit.

Write down those roles you want to be enabled to see that specific report. Leave unwritten those who can not.

In this case, the roles of Supervisor and Administrator will be able to see the Integration Report. The resting roles will not be able to see it.
Remember to always save changes