Select Additionals
Click on "New"
Complete the following fields:

* Validates stock -meaning that the additional has a limited quantity. If this is the case, select it. In the contrary, leave it unselected.
* Price per day - select if the Additional has a price per day, meaning the price is multiplied by the amount of days of the booking. In the contrary, it has a fixed prices no matter how many days the booking is.
* Price Strategy - determine the price strategy, the options being:
- Fixed Price - if you select this option, indicate the price in the currency you need.
- Price based on Booking - if you select this option, indicate the percentage of the booking to apply.
- Price based on Category - if you select this option, indicate the percentage of the value of the 0km to apply.
- Price based on Model - if you select this option, indicate the percentage of the value of the 0km to apply.
* Price Strategy Parameters -indicate the percentage if the strategy is any, but Fixed Price.
* Price - indicate the price in the currency you need, in case you selected Fixed Price Strategy.
* Maximum amount per booking- indicate the maximum amount of the additional in reference that can be provided to the booking. For example, if the Additional is a Baby Seat, indicate the maximum number of baby seats that you can provide to the booking.
* Type - Select if it is an Additional, an Insurance or Other.
* Valid for Categories - If you leave unwritten, the system will take by default that the Additional is valid for all Categories. In the contrary, you should write down the Categories to be applied to the Additional.
* Valid for Branch Offices - If you leave unwritten, the system will take by default that the Additional is valid for all Branch Offices. In the contrary, you should write down the Branch Offices to be applied to the Additional.
* Maximum amount of days to charge - ir reffers to the maximum amount of days you want this Additional to be charged. For example, if you have a 60 days booking, you should indicate the maximum amount of days to charge a GPS, for example. From the 60 days, you indicate it should charge a maximum of 10 days the value of the GPS.

When modifying guarantee, deposits, you can select between 3 options:
-Fixed price (it'll reduce this fixed amount)
-Percentage (it'll reduce this percentage)
-Final value (it'll leave the price of that guarantee/deposit in the amount that you set)
* Modifies guarantee - Select in case that by having this Additional (often applied for Insurances) a "discount" is generated to the guarantee. For example, if the guarantee is of $250.000, by having this additional, a discount is made of the percentage (10%) or a specific amount ($50.000), set by you.
* Modifies guarantee for rollover - Select in case that by having this Additional (often applied for Insurances) a "discount" is generated to the guarantee for rollover. The discount can be made of a percentage or a specific amount, set by you accordingly.
* Modifies guarantee for damage- Select in case that by having this Additional (often applied for Insurances) a "discount" is generated to the guarantee for damage. The discount can be made of a percentage or a specific amount, set by you accordingly.
* Modifies guarantee by theft- Select in case that by having this Additional (often applied for Insurances) a "discount" is generated to the guarantee by theft. The discount can be made of a percentage or a specific amount, set by you accordingly.
*Modifies Price - Select in case that by having this Additional a "discount" is generated to the price of the booking. The discount can be made of a percentage or a specific amount, set by you accordingly.
* Important - select in case you wish to see at the Dashboard the booking with this Additional to have a star on it.
*Available for external systems - select in case the Additional is available for external systems. In the contrary, leave it unselected.
*Required - Select if you want this Additional to be mandatory for every booking, and can not me removed.
* By Default - Select if you want this Additional to be applied by default to every booking, but have the possibility to remove it.
4. It is important to mention, that everything that is found under the line, will be shown at the Web Page. So it is important to complete thoroughy.

Indicate the Name of the Additional
Indicate the description of the Additional
Add an image for the Additional
Remember to always save changes.