Add payments manually on the system
The system allows you to make payments:
- Individualy (Add Payment)
- Multiple (Add Multiply Payments)
In case of not being able to add payments, you can find information here:
- Add Payment
Select the booking and click on Payments > Add Payment

Fill in the fields accordingly

You will be able to choose the currency to charge the client.
Depending on the type of payment you choose, different fields will appear to complete accordingly.
The system allows you to attach files, as well to add notes as reminders.
Once everything was completed remember to press "Charge"
Add Multiple Payments
Select the booking and click on Payments > Add Multiple Payment

The information to be completed is practically the same as the one requested for "Add Payment" but in this case you can add varios payments while entering them manually and pressing on "Add Payment"

In "Details" you will see the different payments for the same booking.
Remember to click on "charge" in order to finish the process.