If you have several branch offices, it is important to know that in the DASHBOARD you will only be able to see one branch office at a time. Meaning, that if you select a specific Branch Office, the calendar that appears at the dashboard will be of that specific branch office.
In case you need to change the Branch Office, here is an article explaining it:
You can choose the language of the article at the right top corner.
If you need to see the calendar of all the Branch Offices at the same time, what you need to do, is the following:
1. Select Bookings > Calendar

2. Once you are in Calendar, the Calendar that will show up, will be by default showing all the branch offices with all their cars.
Thats to say, that if you do not select a branch office, there will be no filter applied, so you will be seeing all the branch offices with all their cars and their categories and models.

Another way of being able to see the calendar with all the branch offices is selecting branch office by branch office:

Here you can filter by:
*Branch Office
*Categories (by default all categories will be shown)
*Models (by default all models will be shown)
If you choose one specific category, you will only be shown in the list of Model, the models of that category.
In case you do not have permission to proceed with this transaction, inform your administrator so he can enable you the "Can view Calendar" permission.