In order to be able to set the conditions and percentages for the investors it is necessary firstly to determine the percentages in the General Configuration. Secondly, determine the corresponding percentages to each concept.
Next, a detailed description of every step:
1. Enter General Configuration

2. Select the "Investor" tab

3. In "Concept" choose "Comisiones" (Comissions)
4. Enter the percentage of the corresponding amount for each item. That is to say, the percentage to be covered by the investor of the expenses of the credit card, for example, and so on.
Once all the information has been entered, you will have to have the previously specified concepts.
5. Go to Cash Register - Concepts.

Click on the pencil to enter

6. Once you've entered, you will have to enter the amount in percentage the investor will have to cover in this particular concept.
7. Click on "Save"
You will have to repeat steps 6 and 7 for each concept
8. Creating the investor user
Enter the User section.
You will have to create a new user and give it the name of "Supplier"
Then, you'll be able to enter the Clients - Investors list and click on each inversor in order to generate the renditions. Or click on Generate Renditions and establish the period.

You can also click on Customers - Renditions and see the spreadsheet

You will also be able to:
* Print and see a detailed list of investors.
* Download as document
* Pay the investor
* Recalculate
* Eliminate