With BuilderDuck you can set up the available currencies for your webpage.
To choose which currencies will be available on your webpage, go to 'General' and select 'Currencies.'
You’ll find a dropdown menu with the currencies available in your system. Open it and select the currencies you want to add.
💡The available currencies will depend on your RMS configuration.
Below, you’ll see the selected currencies. To change how a currency appears to users, enter the desired name in the 'Display Name' field.
💡If your webpage supports multiple languages, you can customize the currency name for each language. Simply select the corresponding flag from the dropdown menu and enter the name in the desired language.
In the next field, you can set how many decimals you want to display. To show the currency symbol as a suffix, simply turn on the switch.
Be sure to select one currency as the Default Language by checking the corresponding box. If you don't select anything, the first one will be marked.
Finally, press 'Save Changes.'