Why is the price $0 on the web page?
if you enter you web page and desire to make a booking but where the price should appear, instead you see $0, it is necessary to check the booking tariffs.
If case of having a booking tariff which is available for every car, but one of those cars has $0 tariff, it will be shown as $0 at the web page.
For instance, it is necessary to write down the price in the booking tariff in order to see that same one on the web page.

In case the car in question has nothing to do in that tariff, what you need to do is enable it from external systems. Another option is to select all the vehicles which should be included in the tariff and leave unselected the ones who should not be included.

In case you do not have permission to proceed with this transaction, inform your administrator so he can enable you the "Can administrate Booking tariffs " permission.