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How to create Promotions
agustina sernani avatar
Escrito por agustina sernani
Actualizado hace más de 7 meses

1.Go to Tariff > “Promotions”

2.Under Promotions, click on “New”.

3.1 Indicate the type to be taken into account, if any:

-Fixed Amount - discount of a fixed amount.

-Percentage - discount as a percentage of the daily rate.

- Days- discounts on days

3.2 If you select Fixed Amount, you must enter the amount in the preferred currency.

-If you select the Percentage option, you must enter a Refund Cap.

-If you select the Days option, you must enter the days to be applied.

3.3 Activate or leave unactivated the availability for external systems to preference.

3.4 Indicate whether or not you have stock.

3.5 Select the Unique Code if you have one.

3.6 Select the Promotion code:


- Number

- Character

- Incremental

3.7 Indicate the minimum and maximum number of days of validity of the promotion.

3.8 Indicate the validity for delivery dates and creation dates. The system allows only one of the options: by delivery or by creation.

3.9 Select the valid delivery and return days.

3.10 Indicate the models to which the promotion will be applied.

3.11 Indicate the branches to which the promotion will be applied.

3.12 Complete the discount on additional, if any

3.13 Indicate the additional ones.

3.14 Select payment types.

3.15 Select the payment method allowed for that promotion, it can be over the counter, online or you can select the option of both.

3.16 Everything below the line is what will appear on the web page.

Enter the Name and Description of the Promotion, as well as an image. The system will not let you save without this information.

If you want it to be seen on the web do not forget to check the option “Available for external systems”.

4. Always remember to Save Changes

In case you do not have sufficient permission, contact an administrator to enable the “Can manage promotions” permission.

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