Sometimes, the changes we make are not visible in the site because the browser keep the old caché (information in memory). To solve this, we must refresh the caché.
The following are the combinations of keys and buttons that will refresh the caché depending on the operating system and the browser.
Operating system: Windows
Browser: Chrome
Operating system: Mac
Browser: Chrome
Operating system: Windows
Browser: Firefox
Operating system: Mac
Browser: Firefox
Operating system: Windows
Browser: Internet Explorer
Operating system: Mac
Browser: Safari
After doing this, click on the reload page button
An alternative to refreshing caché is opening a new window in private mode. This window will have an empty caché. The following are the ways in which to do this depending on your browser.
In Microsoft Edge, go to the menu of the three dots and click on "New InPrivate window". Alternatively, you can press Ctrl + Shift + P
In Chrome, go to the menu of the three dots in the upper-right corner and click on "New Incognito window. Alternatively, you can press Ctrl + Shift + N
In Firefox, go to the menu of the three lines on the upper-left corner and click on "New private window". Alternatively, you can press Ctrl + Shift + P
In Safari, click on File and select "New Private Window"