How to enter Branch Office hours
Branch Office Hours/ Booking hours
Select access to Branch Offices
Select the Branch by clicking on the blue name
Once you are inside the Branch, you will have two options:
* Click on "Modify schedule".
* Or, click the pencil icon on "Office Hours"
Both options will lead to the same page.
Enter the information and click Save to proceed:
*Minutes between time selection - the range of time you want to use, either by minutes, or 15 minutes, etc. I.e. the options to be able to rent are every 15 minutes: 9:00, 9:15, 9:30, 9:45, 10, and so on.
* Time Zone
*GAP of hours for external system, being that the amount that is entered will be the first possible hour to rent a car if a customer wants to rent a car right now.
Once this information is entered and Save is clicked, pencils will appear next to the days of the week. Click on a pencil:
Enter the Opening and Closing times for the selected day. You can select "Repeat" in case another day has the same schedule.
For example, if every day of the week the Opening time is 9:00 am and Closing time is 6:00 pm, select "Repeat" and add those days.
If you do not have sufficient permission, contact an administrator to enable the "Can manage schedules" permission.