There are 3 options to create new customers:
First option: By clicking on the quick access, on the "New Customer" icon in the upper right corner of the system.

Second option: Clicking into Customers > All Customers > New

Third option: When you create a new booking, you will be asked for the customer's data, type at least three letters and TAB or click on create.

The three options will take you to the creation of a new customer, where you will have to complete all the customer information.

You can test that if you leave blank and select "Save", you will see all the information that is required to complete.
However, the more information, the better.
1. Select what type of customer is:
Agency - Allows to link the client with a Commercial Agreement.
Company - It is used to differentiate from a specific customer.
Supplier - Allows to link the customer with a service provided. As an example, if it is a mechanic shop or a service station; by linking the supplier to a service, you can verify the services to be paid to that supplier.
Hotel - It serves to differentiate from a particular client
2. Select the Tax payer type:
3. Complete with the Name and Surname in case it is an individual person, or the Fantasy Name and Business Name in case it is a Company.
4. Complete with the date of birth. The system will identify the conditions of the client. It is important to previously enter in the General Settings, and configured the age allowed to drive.
5. Complete the corresponding ID Number. The type of document and the number, an the country too.
6. Complete the Driver's License, with the expiration date and the country.
7. Complete all the information corresponding to the client's address.
8. Select the customer's language. This will indicate to the system in which language the mail templates will be sent. In case the customer's preferred language in English, the mail templates will be sent in that language to the customer.
9. Complete the customer's contact information: Telephone and Email.
10. You can leave notes if necessary.
Remember to always save changes
If you do not have sufficient permission, contact an administrator to enable the "Can manage clients" permission.